Saturday, January 30, 2010


So, here's the deal: I tried to be a good little "blogger" the other day and actually update this thing. Guess what? I totally FAILED. In my defense...I spent about 30 minutes typing, editing, re-reading the blog, but my 'save now' button apparently didn't work, or maybe the operator didn't click it when she thought she did. Oops.

Oh well. So, instead of going back into all of that...I'm just listing some updates. It's been way too long.

1. I am loving my job. In case you didn't know, I've been working as a nurse in the NICU at Richland since late October. I love it! It's so amazing, and I am learning so much from my wonderful preceptors. I look forward to a long time there!

2. I am so proud of "Voices of Lee" lately. I was a member of Voices way back when in 2002. I was so happy in December to watch as they made it to the top three on "The Sing Off," one of NBC's premiers this winter. Also, one of the members who was just entering as I was leaving, Jermaine Purifory, recently was voted through to Hollywood on American Idol. He was called "the best audition so far this season" by Randy Jackson. That's pretty good if you ask me. Please keep up with him, if you think about it. He's a great guy!

3. My husband turns 30 on Thursday!!!!!!! Wow. I remember thinking that 30 was up there, but I am convinced now that it's not. I can't wait to celebrate his birthday!

4. Andrew and I have been faithful Netflix customers for a while now. Some of our last movies have been:

-Julie and Julia (boo...not our fave)

-Four Christmases (yay)

-Charlie Wilson's War (??? You'll have to ask Andrew, because this little girl fell asleep)

-3:10 to Yuma (yay...although there was killing)

5. Andrew and I STILL haven't picked out pictures for our wedding album. Ahhh...I can't believe I'm being this slack! I mean, seriously?? It has nothing to do with Brantley. We've just been lazy about getting on that task. Ok, personal goal. I'm going to begin selecting pics for our album before we're celebrating our 1 year anniversary.

6. Speaking of goals...I would like to learn Spanish. I took the course in high school and college, and I can understand a small amount. However, I'd love to be able to communicate with our Spanish speaking patients and not have to depend on an interpreter. So, that's personal goal #2. I heard Rosetta Stone was good...pricey, but good.

7. I'm still at the couponing! I was supposed to go to a class for southern savers, but had to miss it! Emily Ann shared all of her info with me though, so at least I learned something! Last week, I made money off buying drinks for our bonfire. Crazy, huh?

8. I finally bought a new purse. I figured that it was time after about two years! Can you believe it? The straw that broke the camel's back was the fact that the lining had a hole in it. I kept losing lipstick in there. I found my ipod on the day I cleaned out that bag. I was wondering where that thing was! Needless to say...that bag's in the trash. Not even worth giving away...

9. We're having a pretty cool Super Bowl Sunday at generation church next week. Michael Boulware is speaking, and it should be pretty good! If you don't know Michael, he played at Florida State, then went on to the NFL. He played in the Super Bowl, too! Michael's a great guy, and Andrew and I are glad to call he and his wife (Jessica) friends. They also have the most beautiful kids ever, Michael John and Aspen. Seriously, they should be models!

Okay, I think that's all for now. This was a silly update to be honest. However, anything's better than nothing. I will try to follow up on my new year's resolution by being a better blogger. In the words of Beverly though, "I'm not promising..."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Welcome, Bradford!

This morning as I rolled over to check my phone, I was so happy to see a text message from my wonderful friend Jennifer! She had Eliot Bradford Peace, Jr ("Bradford") last night...or early this morning. Either way, it was while we were sleeping! I am so proud of her. She's one good looking mama...I mean, she just gave birth and looks amazing!! Anyway, Bradford is such a cutie, and I can't wait to meet him in person. Congratulations, Eliot and Jennifer!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


If there's one thing in the world that is the toughest for me, it is falling short. I have tried my entire life to be someone that makes the effort to be exactly where I need to school, with my relationships, with singing, etc. However, I realized today (yet again) that I'm not perfect. Ha. Imagine that...(please note the sarcasm in that statement!)

Seriously, I don't think that I'm perfect, but sometimes we all have the tendency to think we're "exempt from messing up royally." I proved that theory wrong today. I am sad to look back and see how I allowed such a horrible attitude to ruin my day and be so hurtful. Days like this aren't fun to have on your record.

Romans 3:23 says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." I find it funny that the 'fall short' isn't in the past tense. For me, that says a lot. It's a continual thing! I will never get to a point to where shortcomings are in my past. Sure, I must pray daily that I'll become more like Jesus, but unfortunately, I'll never arrive at perfection.

We've been talking about suffering (mainly in 1 Peter) a lot at generation church lately. Most of us suffer because we stink at being like Jesus. Those mistakes result in hurting ourselves and others in some way, shape or form. There's one thing that stands out to me most in learning about suffering-- Our suffering for Jesus transforms our faith and points us toward what we should strive to live for each day: an eternal relationship with Him. This relationship will no longer be hindered by our shortcomings or those of others. With that in mind, I can be glad and have faith to humbly say that the final outcome of my shortcomings is nothing less than Jesus offering His forgiveness towards me and protecting me despite how I fail him continually. That faith reveals God's glory, and with that in mind...the rest of this day can be good.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year's Resolution #1:

I need to blog more. So, maybe I'll hop on here tonight, and catch you up! I'm so bad....