Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26 = the age of forgetfulness

This week hasn't been good in one particular way. It's safe to say that I'm either losing my mind, extremely fatigued or going into a state of pre-mature alzheimer's. This is not a joke. Today, I managed to buy a loaf of bread...just like I did on Monday! Seriously, two loaves of bread within a few days of each other??? Just when I thought my brain couldn't get any sharper, I arrived home and my sweet hubby helped me unload groceries. As I popped the trunk open, I totally failed to remember that I had one of Andrew's birthday gifts "hidden" there! At least I got to see the expression on his face when he saw it. He was surprised!!!! It's just unfortunate that it had to be today instead of February 4th. I think I did something else forgetful today, but if you'll believe this...I've forgotten. Andrew is giving me a bed time curfew of 9:30 tonight.

Fortunately, I was able to use all remaining brain power to "coupon" today. I did extremely well between Publix and Bi-Lo. 15cent sour cream, free mustard, free pizza (aka dinner) and Blue Bell ice cream were some of the highlight buys. The ice cream wasn't free, but it's Blue Bell ice cream, so it's normally $7. Any time I can get Blue Bell for less than 1/2 the price, it's a win!

In other news (and very random news at that), Andrew had a great experience at the gym on Monday. I probably shouldn't get into all of the details, but here we go. Andrew was doing more sets of reps on a workout machine than normal. A sweet little older man came up to him to ask if the exercise put strain on the abdomen. When Andrew said "no," the man told Andrew that he was glad because he'd just had hernia surgery. Andrew politely said, "Oh, yeah. I know that's not fun, because I've had hernia surgery before." Out of nowhere, the man leaned down closer to Andrew and asked, "Does your OTHER testicle hurt??" Now, I was not there to witness this interaction, but knowing Andrew as I do, I think it's safe to say that his face got a little red as he made the jaw-dropping reaction to this question. Andrew quickly responded that his hernia surgery was not in "that location," and the man let Andrew know that his "other testicle" was indeed hurting. After telling the man that he ought to have that looked at, the conversation sort of died from there. Thank goodness! I knew I shouldn't let Andrew go to the gym by himself. It's not the girls in short shorts that I'm worried about. It's Andrew getting involved in a testicle conversation. That, I don't think he can handle again! Ok, I can't believe that I just typed this. To be honest with you, Andrew made me. In fact, he is sitting here beside me crying laughing! It is a funny story though, and I'm sorry if anyone feels that this was inappropriate.

Well, it's after 9:30 now. We're watching American Idol, and Andrew has given me permission to stay up until 10. Ok, time for bed.

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